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The Power of Character Strengths: Appreciate and Ignite Your Positive Personality

Your life is a journey. At different points you will yearn for different things—greater happiness, more success at work, better relationships—but where are you looking for answers? In The Power of Character Strengths, Positive Psychology experts, Drs. Ryan Niemiec and Robert McGrath, encourage you to look within. In this research-based reference guide you will discover why your character strengths, the positive aspects of your personality, are your best-kept secrets for boosting your well-being. Discover how to appreciate what's best in you and champion strengths in the people you care about most. As a bonus, you'll practice putting your strengths into action with Strengths Builder, an easy-to-learn, four-step, research-backed program. Your adventure lies ahead, and The Power of Character Strengths is your must-have resource for building your best life!

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Character Strengths Interventions: A Field Guide for Practitioners

This book is the epitome of positive psychology: it takes the “backbone” of positive psychology– character strengths – and builds a substantive bridge between the science and practice. Working with client’s (and our own) character strengths boosts well-being, fosters resilience, improves relationships, and creates strong, supportive cultures in our practices, classrooms, and organizations. This unique guide brings together the vast experience of the author with the science and the practice of positive psychology in such a way that both new and experienced practitioners will benefit. New practitioners will learn about the core concepts of character and signature strengths and how to fine-tune their approach and troubleshoot. Experienced practitioners will deepen their knowledge about advanced topics such as strengths overuse and collisions, hot button issues, morality, and integrating strengths with savoring, flow, and mindfulness. Hands-on practitioner tips throughout the book provide valuable hints on how to take a truly strengths-based approach. Martin E.P. Seligman, founder of positive psychology, said, "this is the GO-TO book for building character."

Available in English, German, Portuguese and Korean.

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Mindfulness and Character Strengths: A Practitioner's Guide to MBSP

This new, fully revised, and expanded second edition of the handbook for the groundbreaking, evidence-based Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) program is the guide you need in your professional practice. Developed by author Dr. Ryan M. Niemiec, scientist, educator, practitioner, and a global leader in mindfulness and character strengths, the MBSP approach is about the discovery, deepening awareness, exploration, and application of character strengths. It is about understanding and improving how we pay attention in life – the quality by which we eat, walk, work, listen, and experience joy and peace. And it is about seeing our potential – which sits underneath our strengths of perseverance, bravery, curiosity, hope, kindness, fairness, and leadership – and which, unleashed, could benefit the world. MBSP is not only about our clients’ own happiness, it is about the happiness of others too. And it is an evolving, evidence-based program that can help people to relieve their suffering by using mindfulness and character strengths to cope with, overcome, or transcend problems, stressors, and conflicts.

Counselors, coaches, psychologists, researchers, educators, and managers will discover the “how-to” delivery of mindfulness and character strengths. Following primers on the two strands of MBSP and deeper discussions about their integration, practitioners are then led step-by-step through the 8 sessions of the popular MBSP program. The session structure, scripts, tips, lecture material, processes, examples, and audio files are all there ready for use. This time-tested manual can bring beginners up-to-date on these topics while also serving to stimulate, inform, and provide valuable tools to the intermediate and most advanced students of mindfulness and character strengths.

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Character Strengths and Abilities Within Disabilities: Advances in Science and Practice

This book examines the science and practice of character strengths as the backbone for understanding, studying, and applying positive interventions across a wide range of disabilities. It explores character strengths as positive personality qualities most central to an individual’s identity that create positive outcomes for building well-being and managing adversities and contribute to the collective good. The book recognizes disability as a part of the human experience that can emerge for anyone and the necessity for examining and applying strengths-based approaches. It explores what is known about character strengths and various disabilities from a science and practice perspective. It covers a wide range of disabilities, including intellectual/developmental disability, autism, physical disorders, medical disorders, and various psychological disorders, with specific chapters focused on trauma and also ADHD. The book also offers a comprehensive primer on character strengths and on strengths-based approaches (in general) for disabilities. There is also a special focus on intellectual/developmental disabilities, in terms of dual-diagnosis, justice-equity-diversity-inclusion (JEDI), and spirituality/meaning.



Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification

The groundbreaking book, Character Strengths and Virtues, championed by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, describes the VIA Classification of character strengths and virtues. The book outlines the results of a 3-year project led by Peterson and Seligman involving 55 distinguished social scientists. From Aristotle and Plato to the major world religions, to other great thinkers and philosophers spanning the last 2,500 years, this work represents the most significant effort in history to review, assemble, research, and classify positive strengths/traits in human beings. The result is a “common language” (scientifically speaking, a “consensual nomenclature”) for understanding and discussing these core capacities in human beings.

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The Strength Switch: How the New Science of Strength-Based Parenting Helps Your Child and Teen to Flourish

This game-changing book shows us the extraordinary results of focusing on our children’s strengths rather than always trying to correct their weaknesses. Most parents struggle with this shift because they suffer from a negativity bias, thanks to evolutionary development, giving them “strengths-blindness.” By showing us how to throw the “strengths switch,” Lea Waters demonstrates how we can not only help our children build resilience, optimism, and achievement but we can also help inoculate them against today’s pandemic of depression and anxiety.

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Happy Together: Using the Science of Positive Psychology to Build Love That Lasts

In fairy tales, lasting love just happens. But in real life, healthy habits are what build happiness over the long haul. Happy Together, written by positive psychology experts and husband-and-wife team Suzann Pileggi Pawelski and James O. Pawelski, is the first book on using the principles of positive psychology to create thriving romantic relationships. Combining extensive scientific research and real-life examples, this book will help you find and feed the good in yourself and your partner. You will learn to develop key habits for building and sustaining long-term love by: promoting a healthy passion , prioritizing positive emotions, mindfully savoring experiences together, and seeking out strengths in each other. Through easy-to-follow methods and fun exercises, you’ll learn to strengthen your partnership, whether you’re looking to start a relationship off on the right foot, weather difficult times, reignite passion, or transform a good marriage into a great one.

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Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management

Successful project managers must engage and motivate others to achieve complex goals. Ruth Pearce shows how behavior, language, and attitudes affect engagement and how leveraging character strengths can help improve relationships, increase innovation, and build higher-functioning teams. This focus on character strengths--such as bravery, curiosity, fairness, gratitude, and humor--can help project managers recognize and cultivate the things that are best in themselves and others.

Many project managers do not have the authority to direct the activities of people on their teams--they can only influence them. The most influential people succeed by focusing less on themselves and their message and more on others. They pay attention, they are brave, they are vulnerable, they are curious, and they look for and acknowledge the things that are important about and to the other person. And they model the behavior that they want to see. This book tells you how.

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Your Strengths Blueprint: How To Be Engaged, Energized, and Happy at Work

Are you ready to make your work just a little bit easier and a lot more enjoyable? Would you like to unleash the potential of the people in your team? Do you want to enhance your business goals of employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and profitability? Then this book is your blueprint to discovering, developing, and delivering on your strengths at work--those things you're good at and actually enjoy doing. Now is the time to strive for a strengths-fueled future. Discover how to nurture your strengths and unleash your inner potential to find new and exciting pathways at work.

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30 Days of Character Strengths: A Guided Practice to Ignite Your Best

Thomas Edison, whose inventions changed peoples’ lives for the better, said: “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.” 30 Days of Character Strengths is a guided practice to help you shift into new possibilities in your work, relationships, health, and virtually every dimension of your life.

This guidebook is for everyone: the parent seeking to create a happy home, the new manager or leader bringing together her team, the coach, consultant, therapist, teacher, parent, grandparent, and everyone passionate about bringing out the best in others. It offers an approach to introducing character strengths, with activities that apply strengths to navigating challenges, reaching for dreams, and walking through daily life.

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